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Concepts 2 Flow

From a young age, I have always felt I want to help people grow.

So this about me will highlight some important points in my journey


Wanted to help people, but not in healthcare to cure or resolve a trauma, more in business to develop peoples skills


Human resources = people are capital is true for me. not the right way in corporate life

I felt like businesses can grow more when they value and appreciate their people more than regularly happens.


My personal journey

choosing with head over heart

knocked me out of the game


Concussion 9 months made me really think deeply, the only thing I could do is reflecting in the dark

drastically changed my life and my real search began


I wanted to explore my spirituality and create a heart-based business

Got answers through not so typical ways

Channeling my higher self > would find a system to combine the two

handreading> many insights in myself and my future


All these steps led me eventually to Human Design and BG5.


The information about my design rang so true for me!

I felt like I could finally accept who I am, that it is okay that I have always felt different, to be different and see it as an asset instead of something 'bad'.


Self-acceptance and embracing my unique talents instead of trying to be mainstream, a jack of all trades, and feeling like I had to live up to other peoples expectations instead of my own inner person/child


Bg5 is

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